Plastic injection moulding
Our machinery includes the most up-to-date Arburg, Ferromatik Milacron and KraussMaffei manufacturing machines.
The right procedure for every requirement
Whether for single or dual component injection moulding, gas pressure method (GPM) or our unique, patented GPM+2C combined process – we can offer you the perfect solution for any requirement. With over 40 production machines and clamping forces of 50 to 500 tonnes we can produce high quality, cost-effective injection moulded products for every type of requirement.
Single component (1C) injection moulding
Conventional, cost-effective method for producing mainly functional, medium stress components such as covers, levers or bearing brackets.
Gas pressure method (GPM)
Cavity injection moulding process for highly durable parts designed for heavy to extremely heavy usage – e.g. roof handles, door handles or clutch pedals.
Dual component (2C) injection moulding
The dual component method is always offered where additional optics and haptics are required for conventional injection moulding, because it enables two different materials to be processed in a single manufacturing phase – e.g. for combining a high quality surface with a low-cost core component.
GPM+2C combined process
Our unique, patented GPM+2C process at last enables highly durable GPM plastic parts to be combined with soft plastic coatings designed to the client’s specifications in a single manufacturing phase – such as for the manufacture of particularly high-grade door handles. This delivers not only optimum quality maintained throughout the product’s entire lifetime but also significant cost reductions.